He's a big tiger and looks down the valley.
A bunch of foxes have a party in the valley. They have hired a DJ, fixed up disco lights. There's so much beer that you could drink all night.
At places, foxes and vixen have chats drinking cocktail after cocktail, talking endlessly, while the DJ adds more tracks to queue. Such is the sight in the valley, the lonely tiger just looks in despair. He sits down on the hilltop to relax, but still glances toward the fox party.
Just then, a white tiger comes in & joins the big tiger.
"Hey mate, you looked depressed..", the white tiger tries to look jolly. "No, I'm ok", says the big tiger. "Oh, not again mate. I tell you, just look at yourself! You're a real big tiger. You have got power. Your ancestors were kings. They are just mere foxes. To me they look like dogs", and the white tiger bursts in laughter.
"You're too drunk. Leave me alone", retorts the big tiger. "We both are drunk. And just look at yourself, you're sitting head hung", the white tiger tries to convince him to cheer up.
The big tiger looks at the fox party for a minute and speaks, "You know white, we all are so drunk. We just had the purest vodka ever made, that those foxes could never have in their lives. But, they are happy. And we're not!
And the tigers-are-the-king-of-the-jungle stuff is crap. It was true once upon a time long long ago. Now foxes are the life-of-the-party."
The white tiger stills tries, "You need to look at life from a positive perspective. Being a pessimist never changes things."
"Ok, but wake up to the real world. Our world! And the crap that happens to us!"
"You know, your power is within you. You could just go down and scare all the foxes away with your roar. Aren't you happy? Your roar could vibrate the jungle!", the white tiger now tries to talk sense.
"So, what? At the end of the day, all foxes united could kill you, or make you crippled. Who will come to defend me then? Just you. I have got one friend. And I am not happy."
The big tiger stands up with tears and adds more, "You know what I got for being honest? You know what I got for having this big and useless heart? You know what I got for being so nice to everyone? You know what I got for not telling lies? Not trying to be cunning? You know what I got for doing the divine act of following my mind?"
He points at the bottle, "Alcohol in a cold dark place and Tears."
The big tiger is weak and speaks more, "I would be happier to be a fox rather be so powerful and cry! There are just a handful of tigers left in the entire country. You see, tigers don't survive. One who is honest sucks! He dies! What kind of life is this?"
The white tiger falls silent. May be he starts thinking...