I don't know how I composed this poem,
Dont expect this to be professional as rest of my works :)
How I met a computer.
It all started with DOS,
the day I first touched a Computer.
It was all a geeky command prompt,
neither was it facebook nor Twitter.
Computers are for Geeks,
That was what my little mind thought.
Then came Moore's law,
Transistor count doubled every year.
Today at duos, quads and extremes,
old CPU's with Mhz clocks,
In some dump yard still rot.
Windows arrived with a GUI,
How excited to use a mouse was I !
Myths busted, Computers were for Laymen too.
Who ever played Games, said this too.
98 took over the market,
with IE, movie maker and Media Player,
In its closet.
Yet no Chrome or Firefox,
nor Sun Microsystem's Virtual box.
My li'l sis used powerpoint,
created animations with head bent.
XP, the NT family, more lively,
MSN messenger still connect,
I remember the way we worshiped Mr. Gates.
I never saw a 2003 server or Mac,
'coz we got another windows years back!
Vista came in beta, people went frenzy,
To get their hands on Microsoft's worst nightmare.
Vista shattered dreams, of Gates and piraters like me.
It isnt the cost that hurts, for us
all software is free.
If you buy a genuine windows,
I must know thee.
Guys worked hard and brought us,
a windows more efficient,
enough to disable Vista's curse.
Yes, windows 7 is all I like.
For it is beauty with performance hike.
Its more cuter then Megan Fox,
Still old XP still rocks.