Friday, January 1, 2010

The fable of a UCEian..

UCE is one the best colleges in the state. Its one campus where get a IIT feeling. I guess you know what IIT is. The biggest technical college in India. This tale is about the guy in the pic. I know him quite well because he's my cousin and we share almost everything that we think; so much that we could write biographies of each other. In life, I learnt a lot from him, and he too learnt from me. Our knowledge is a union of both of us. His home is a bit conservative like mine, because his parents care about him a lot. In my view he is one the most lucky persons, I know. Luck bestowed upon him many things and at the best situations. He has stayed in many places because of transfers, every 3 years. At every place he got the best guys as his friends. He has the record being a class topper almost all of the time. But he isn't a mugger like other toppers. He is a out of the box thinker, and he was born with extra ordinary intelligence and aptitude. I still remember an incident when he was seriously ill with asthma, during his final exam. His dad, helped in studies when he was bed ridden. He even appeared the exam on bed, with supervision. Still he topped the class that year. His other interests are music and dance.
This new year, I am giving him a tribute by dedicating a post to him. Years back there was one thing he was missing all his life. He never had a crush on any girl; I used to think will he ever have one?

He made it just few months back. He fell for a new girl in his class, so much that he started attending in all classes to see her. It was his first love, so its memorable for him, unlike me who has had numerous crushes!! For privacy reasons I wont tell her name. I can just write the initials of the name in hexadecimal ASCII code: 4D53H. It was the first time he ever talked about a girl. And it became certain that every human being must have a crush someday in life. He used to look for chances to talk to her. Though I cant express the feelings exactly the way he thinks, but the first time one has a crush it feels awful if you don't get to see her and talk to her. He even got depresses for not being able to reach her. In the end, he used nature's good old method of sending letters, hoping she would understand. But the girl was just so adamant that she couldn't even spend a minute to look at it. She returned it to the messenger who took the letter. There were rumors that the small town girl was committed to someone of her place. Back home this guy, broke down completely for failing. Called me up and expressed his anger, fear and sadness. I could just make him understand that real life and movies are different. Even Newton's law's fail in movies. the guy is alright now, watched 3 idiots and aal is well for him.

He wrote the letter in his blog, so that you can find it in here:
My last confession didn't last long - Click here to have a glance.

1 comment:

  1. It really made me emotional bisu..
    from your post.. i can see that you know me from the inside.. that makes me happy..
    hats off bisu..
    aal izz well..
