I Googled "The subconscious mind" today and I joined a mailing list which posts updates about "Power of the Sub-Conscious Mind". I got two audio books, one ebook and two posts within 3 hrours of joining.

The conscious mind is the mind that thinks. We use it to solve problems and take decisions. The sub-conscious mind is one which can not be directly controlled by us. Some phenomena can be best explained with real world analogies. Consider a captain with his crew. The crew obey any orders of the captain. But if a captain doesn't give any orders, the crew would just do things that they think is right, which may not be always 'right'. Same is the case with our minds. The conscious mind is the captain and the sub-conscious mind is the crew. May be in this case, the crew (sub-conscious mind) is not as smart, that they follow orders instantly. This crew is a bit dumb!
It needs to be trained, like a parrot for every small task that it will do automatically. The work of the sub-conscious mind is automation. It is our assistant, who does small and repetitive tasks automatically.
When we first ride a motor cycle, we are taught how to handle the clutch, gears and throttle. We used to pay lot of attention to shifting gears, in the beginning. When we get habituated, we never even think of those controls; it seems as if our arms and legs automatically do, what we want the vehicle to do. Here the sub-conscious mind comes to play. It makes us adjust the controls automatically, when we actually think something else! There are several other examples of automatic processes, that we do everyday, which are controlled by the sub-conscious mind. I would like to share an excerpt from a webpage on inner beliefs:
"What it means here is your reality or the life you are experiencing now is actually a reflection of the beliefs in your subconscious mind. Many people change from one job to another, but realize that they are still getting the same problem everywhere they go. What they don't understand is that instead of changing the external circumstances, they should change their inner beliefs. Once their beliefs change, they will be attracted to new people, new jobs and the world around them will change according to the new beliefs in their subconscious mind."
The subconscious mind needs to be programmed, in order to work. Thinking positive makes your subconscious mind, take it granted, that everything is definitely fine. You fool it to believe that all is well! Negative thoughts not only fade positive imprints that already exist, but make a permanent place in you subconscious mind, which will cost you, your happiness. The theory of the subconscious mind is about how to unleash the power of the subconscious mind, by reprogramming it to remove all evil thoughts that already exist. This post said just this much.
I will share more about the next post. :)
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