Thursday, April 15, 2010

Upma + Mountain Dew

How about writing an unusually funny post, rather than old philosophy? This is what I thought, while having breakfast at our college canteen. I immediately took this picture, to attach it to the post. LOL. I decided right there that today's post will be the "how-was-your-day" type.
10:10 AM
I and Shibesh ordered Upma and Mountain Dew at the canteen. Mountain Dew was of my favorites, although Shibesh argued "7Up is better!" At this time of the day, you would always find the canteen crowded. The man at counter had a really tough time, taking orders & collecting money. There were lots of hands with currency notes pointing towards him. In a minute, he suddenly shouted - "How the hell, am I gonna deal with you, if everyone shows me 100 rupee notes? Take out some change!" May be he was exhausted with change notes, and was frantically looking for some 10 or 20 rupee notes, which he didn't get.
I looked at Shibesh's hand where he had a 50 Rupee note. I expected the man to shout again at him, seeing the note, but luckily he didn't.
10:15 AM
We were at a table having the food. I noticed the scene of the occasionally crowded place. There was a good-looking girl at a corner table with her friend, who was yet another pretty girl. The girl was feeding the other girl with a spoon. Every new guy who entered the canteen, glanced towards them, before ordering anything. At a table adjacent to ours, were a group of 8 to 10, discussing serious issues related to IPL. Its a not a new thing, to find people discussing IPL these days. It was a craze. In another corner, you could find someone hooked to his cell phone and talking endlessly. And at other places, small groups of 3 to 4 people were writing lab records.
10:30 AM
We were in a "instructor-less" classroom. Most of our classmates were found there. We had DSP Lab at 11AM, so lot of them were busy in writing lab records, including Shibesh who was copying down from mine. Today was a special day, because I had completed the task in time, after so many days. Other members of our BBC (Back Benchers Community) Sikal and Arvind had joined us. When we get together, the Devils in our minds come forward and we plan mischief. Suddenly Sikal threw a broken glass from the window pane onto the floor, breaking it to a hundred pieces and a noise of broken glass (which I love) echoed the bit empty classroom. Most of other guys looked back. Someone in the front, didn't like it and yelled - "What's this nonsense?"
Shibesh replied - "Shut the fuck up!" And he went away. Few minutes later, when I was about to take out my iPod to listen music. Sikal threw another piece of glass on the floor, following another such lovely noise. This time, Sumit (not a BBC member), unable to bear it, shouted, "Wouldn't people get hurt by those broken glass pieces?" To this Shibesh had another quick reply - "No one walks bare foot here!" Very soon their argument intensified with louder voices, making the other record-writers look away from there notebooks, and stare at us. I was just thinking, what was the best way to throw a glass onto the floor so that it breaks into the maximum possible number of pieces. Eventually they cooled down, although no one seemed to compromise.....
This was the first incident when someone opposed an event of BBC. Today's a special day.


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh......
    nice one..
    keep it on BB(BAck baNChers)

  2. Ha ha!! i would love to throw another glass on sumit's face... another barawala.... you can make more humorous... funny though..
