Almost every person who knows me well, including my parents, think I'm an atheist. One who does not believe in God. Its true I never visit temples, even if I have to go, I don't perform the Hindu rituals that most people do. I don't have any wallpapers of God in my laptop or cell phone. Still, in reality, I'm not an atheist.
I have a completely different perspective of dealing with God, which I will write down today. I was inspired by the Vedic Culture, which we were taught in early years in school, in a no-credit, extra subject called M.Ed (Moral Education). God is Omnipotent (has complete power over all things), Omnipresent (present everywhere), and Omniscient (seems to know everything).
God is an object of no form, no shape, even no name! We have named him God. From childhood I have been fascinated by the lot of different customs and rituals that people perform for God. I will just share some customs that Hindus observe:
Someday, my parents said to me - "Wherever you are, never take non-veg on a Monday". Most of us become vegetarians on every Monday. Some are vegetarians on Monday and Thursday. The rest of the days of the week, they are non-vegetarian. I don't understand, whether you are cheating God by being vegetarian for a day? People will say, every Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. So, all worshipers of Shiva don't take Non-veg on every Monday. Does Shiva go for a holiday the very next day, when you enjoy boneless chicken? There is God, when you don't take non-veg. And there is same God near you, whenever you take non-veg. Human beings are omnivorous by nature. God made us Omnivorous. So, it definitely isn't a sin to eat non-vegetarian food. Everyone has the freedom of choosing their own food habits. But the custom of being vegetarian for 1/7th of your life (One day out of 7 days in a week), and being a non-vegetarian for the remaining 6/7th period, doesn't seem a worthy habit.
We take off our shoes before entering inside a temple. I never understand why we do it. Just because its God's place? But God is everywhere, so why don't we go without footwear to college? The whole world is the home of God, right? Why don't we walk bare foot?
We think we did a favor to God, by breaking coconuts and offering sweets right? But does God ever take food? I dont understand the concept of "prasad".
I never mean to disrespect or create hatred in the minds of the readers. If it were so, I wouldn't use a Uppercase G in the word 'God'.
Think about it.
Hey Buddy u are right 'coz u are follower of urs own principles but i ask why did u go near god before urs 4rth semester Bput results were declared and why don't u eat non-veg food on Sankranti's ? The answer is we all are "God Fearing".As we are Idians we do respect God. So fuck off with urs idiotic theories.